Bredesen Protocol Treatment in Huntington Beach

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Bredesen Protocol Treatment in Huntington Beach

Bredesen Protocol Treatment in Huntington Beach

Residents of Huntington Beach in search of advanced Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline treatment can find a pioneering approach at Longevity Healthcare Center in Newport Beach. Our center, led by Dr. Peter Muran, specializes in the Bredesen Protocol, offering a comprehensive, tailored approach to enhance cognitive health, in line with our philosophy of “functional medicine and personalized treatments for a longer, healthier life.”

A Multifaceted Approach to Cognitive Health

Developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen, the Bredesen Protocol is an innovative approach that treats cognitive decline through a personalized, multifaceted treatment plan, addressing the complex nature of Alzheimer’s disease.

Bredesen Protocol Services at Longevity Healthcare Center

Tailored Nutrition Plans: We offer individualized dietary guidance based on the Ketoflex 12/3 diet, emphasizing nutrients that support brain health and strategic fasting.

Personalized Exercise Routines: Recognizing the critical role of physical activity, we create custom exercise programs that combine cardiovascular and strength training, adapted to each patient’s abilities.

Sleep Optimization: Our specialists assist patients in developing effective sleep practices, crucial for cognitive function.

Stress Reduction Methods: We integrate stress management techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness, into our treatment plans to support overall brain health.

Targeted Supplements and Hormonal Balancing: Following comprehensive evaluations, we recommend specific supplements and hormonal balancing strategies to enhance cognitive health.

Why Choose Longevity Healthcare Center Near Huntington Beach

Convenient Location: Located at 901 Dover Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660, our center is a short drive for Huntington Beach residents, offering a peaceful and supportive environment for treatment.

Expert-Led Care: Dr. Peter Muran and our team’s expertise in functional medicine ensures that each treatment plan is meticulously crafted to meet our patients’ unique health needs.

Comprehensive Care and Support: We provide more than just medical treatment; our care extends to emotional and psychological support, essential for patients and families dealing with cognitive health challenges.


For Huntington Beach residents, Longevity Healthcare Center is a gateway to improved cognitive health through the Bredesen Protocol. Under Dr. Peter Muran’s leadership, our center offers a route to enhanced cognitive functioning and a better quality of life.

If you’re in Huntington Beach and seeking an advanced approach to Alzheimer’s treatment and cognitive health improvement, consider the Bredesen Protocol at Longevity Healthcare Center. Contact us to begin your personalized journey to cognitive wellness.

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901 Dover Dr, Suite 122, Newport Beach, CA